the shits

back Neocities.

Fromt he eys the road the teeth they lied back tooth decay sewing stirngs and sentancfes like babys comign from the doctor(whost tests come free bust buy such degrees) I've seen such isntances of space along such roads my disaese caleld so ona a appointment the baby is you I've sene it before its eyes cralws on its back tis teeth lied to be it decay long before it dead. you've died before the sun even rose bloomed fully to its whole consent u didnt saw the sea its sellign divisions upont he market square its ed cauation swearing signel and singels callign free areana squaring all and off u've never and seen suchdecre(I've wondered frommyslefot a ppoint anda gain I call because icanuven seen the world before it shroiek and dies ive sene tmperance off and again uve wodnered where wa th sbaby the hope our suspoes future its upmost... Nevermendthenandtheirwhollypockettopicalissuestheynever'seenmostpissuesathand butthier twestylfevillishsuitseenthemostepicofdealstheirshotsandofthersinsnadtheirteethmustprotect from ourchildchilchidhcid. Sin sinny sinnyal gindma So ourhwolh etellya beya wouldnt wne ba a wholly jolly devilishive dayum. RUnnign din down the lane such appoiiment and the world the sickens me with its truth and sofourth my shwadow con convieve me i can cant anymore its no sing i aint no fololnk clojwn th baby its not a angels' egg(sucha sideicive battle rought upion your roots your tree is unkown real and to be real such gimpse inot inervbery thing) can and i dream for a minute ors econd that nothing will be real and that sun there is a makesure of workds and words signa bout songs everything is dying and i vane be sene outside ithout and teeth and beckoning on ym abkac its not a reason its a puire breack fofrm th eour eveyrtihng the world beckosna dn strikins us canw eevern exist without consent our babie sare foegin out sins grandious bangioud(oh so happy beglad yso you ojolyl jonals and janiors and hanios hally hair su ball sobcall) i've seen the wholmst from th estoreblock tis her towl her rights our l.efts and up and downs its a gaph gay applaugous men stirkcken and adown route thmselves and messaqnges and point note veyrtihngh comes from space sometimes its your fault its a mesage from the unveser your fault is a oruscoenvie not such much a be a world coinvievie your fault and my fault for evenr existing can u stip breathin and enjoy and injoy and inter the commimenet oh holla jho tell us so much by the commomeint its so heary glady be th hear ad. youeverseentheyesofasdahaowthatcantdeiveibringbackwettnbringoneandtwo amakesureshift of twoandthings sofarletsmoveonto fourthandfivedecres scycelcancrpyt thimevesl into idol posisong can foster a tree theat roots bacck to tis army and states and geometry sofourthbegone the girlthatsits onan alonetreesistting aloan askign where the nearest isntulationw as not all poinst ahve pouproies clonws and such dandybymnabdy gracious beard its deciiing bourt. allouraboutth fread the thread itsgraszping the tucking cages beckonign suach gracous ntihignhn ess i must leepdas a second i cant see beyond the darkness orsucu beything ican i coneviei fi cna ti thinl I think a priooir and suhc a prior yo my events can thinge xist if you cant no one is real and the unviers eis your date on the chair enxt to yours asking and kisisng beckonign for th e anttentnion fo your griacous meta and fore metadresss suchadrres sadddress your a sad chadildiren[crhonicles] -sobaby begraicous soy our a sad chldiren rare spacious childieren take a line to a alsikten cryu and then question be queastion si your date a date a space a time or is your mind and hope and heaven itnerenve is god your single msot third wheel can you solve geomtry with a ti-84 calculator can eridan ever be the best gal? so such truth. -nexttimeona line cry and cry again yourytrutyhj isnt so i,poritnac eyour metaphots arent coo,e noig next time be more gayous your old ppompius old man the reality is real and you lovehate yourselff self beckons ona d ate with the unvieeser how do you and it beckonjs and becks on th echeak the unvierse'es pet bird(qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmarry) sign the fires rouriong at its phofeet itys plotpoints the sign apphorpitjc the synibmel the dublinh tower next to the obiovus towericant stadn the smell WHwere is everybody where is Dedadlus oh so joyous dead all arouind are begivin -Secondlyandlastlythirdybegin to post and began sadylly eveyrwhere it ended youve seen ti all mages of spirals i cant tell a graififrefo rom a pwrsonm i can seen the worldbuildijnhg your author is a gya lesibvian your a sad cildierne but my mechainincal intereface is a once of autmasitail and effectiinve i listne to music as a sad mother anas a sad woman from haering anothe rot the enxt i am the univer se the date i own the bird its mehaptoroiiilcas arent your fuckign porogbklemn and i canht ruckign nstand the unviers emy self and and thwe world where is my so chapter 18 wherer can io be th eulsases of oh mmo so grant be a land grand its ent misisorianri tales and 9 evelien tails its so forgoettring beswoting graph a unveriser date -an author device of graphing a culautedd death upona ahill fighting to fire ruprting tis tounuge and cheekcs chatcer the the world cheater her life such a symbical man squarimsing its onlychacne to be rupitng to be wohlenadthesuign symbols[maskasmamsmakmasmkaskmaskmmkakmskmasmkasamksmkasmkasmksakmaskmas] enter the rupture canwegotottmerinus tnextdayplea fleas sadnessdaycomes qand goes[did you cry this time] so ho sintterupsit this jyoous accrosisison our bbridge sidge ont he dfiege house Eater Cum so bring us allrouiudn its time the slime it THlime Itlime FOlime reppetionatiikn and cattation i love bring Everybody here comes to the sidge breidge we have a bwarge at sand fiting hand[newxtot a parting sadchild] -bidge onfire tis on water its aon air its on earth noe sweve seen the the accordinat to its acureiments next to a prioir we've sene the rules the dragdegs and thier [judgeful dragde accordiang s of a the epic proviivnca i cant write to life of my grandsoulso hi've becometomygrandikous interevtion the joyous bridge i i i i i i i ) fiddle sticks the dradge weerenve never been real it time to be serious thw ewar athadnthe hand the sand timewhipsers its cheekfulcheatful carotoncigarslistingin closely ytheir earpals wiglgyl ands careming scamming sceething frotinhg farmins dadmsileis valley where girls get duie and suched ivenseen it all i won this bridge infanct iwon the dridge its handmours anctornol where behidn you i seen your{your jordans are fake as shit mmm] neck and bridge part do part ways wiw thwords the words paryt your bridgetakeasecond carck its sexon and tis its pevlsin yis your litarted device lilisesisons[>:<] youreparpat ofthisnwo itsalways yourfault isnt now, dontun in away, onsessions issiitn't be not, fuck you and your space,! fuck and your gracious holes, nights and swindidlignc cheese monkers and sonkers sunken behind glimpses of bmonkey, fuck you!, fuck, fuck.}{ -grandsegie sign summers bumps eventer a second tho th eunviers date a hand(kill the sad child be the sad chuld acuire the sad something be sad or something ididnt tall it otial my sefl idint wake up fin was again finn and finnsomethingorsaidthativen acuried ymsadnessthoruhhbgtheconctacmysecondsand becah bitchezs by cluteered by whole clearnce ance sance sense fuckfijdagpodijufigguosaipp[fhouhsf[h]sa[]ssi[iSH| FPSF} HFS]h SF] hsF [-HSF oH_S FOh SO HOS{ OHSH SF H{oS[OHOHF{O{H SOH{F O{H}SF OSH{F}oHS} F{OSH} F{ O} {SHF O}{ SHF ][ HS FO] h SFO}[hS FO{HS FO][hf o][ hf]o[hf]o[ hsf]oshf OSH{SHsHF o][SO}{SHF o]{SFHo][sfho][SHFO[shFO[HSO][ho] [HOS} {f}O{S H O}{S HFO}{S H][osh ]o[s]o[][o]oo][]o[osusuchshhcshucsuhschushuschucshuschuschuschucsuhcsusuhcshuc II caniever be table thats longer than tisfeet i can make a triangle without its the third leg a table i cantcreate i tablinign table tabwer i till talkiber a table tablier a table i can tab in, aundusch thus tabels stack and i wiull be the third leg a conclear sonccruipits a object(partial) next to table i stand next to the table is ttand ts ttand ts ttand ts tant.end the cruchsing the oftables beyour neightbor be your nightbor ne giht enfursting trouble suchish nightmaresyour furoihsa nd fur s are neverish corruptoiious to your rables and such youcantand break our tales na wills and such -iveebene boareded bythetabesliveebn lilithed by the xexction U its your fault god i hate you away back to tables. forrealeverthinkaboutbalesits thjier legs and shout cant be kant be rela agian ourdemphioes and jeff(namesnsackblack bo to my soosh) ifvewirrten and ive wired itsyour back onyournekxk dont lookcause imboivous real and tables spoirotuing the neckteethspooroutojg yourbabies yoiurabortions u are da caus the prolblem ive seen it all i am the sad child umere the nothignness i sat thetable is qaurende the everything i ve table the table and talbes the taibles maybes, can you tables the squanred forme icant before this so oh socohld mybeysle i can sene you ion your whatever duk fuck your doign imt alkign to ylou nowe your th ebaby your the star i am hte me imhomsick table sickmwhatvergutheuck my sadchild is askign whare the are your paretns where is your tables and such i hate this segment. i Ivebeendevieiv byeveryoneits my fault my doings mydahels the farms with damileis in tabletress noene acuried table nojone deiveice my tabels noaskied the tabels wherere si ym table where si ym startiitng fashion my linear exeucetion i am th object the tableiqont he control iasked you they told me to hatemyself it ruly table and able and ble and le e cantyou belaughign amy quitriushb joke my ruler and lord of time i cant benymore and deiviein and wevyerinht i know beyond parts of youwnhat now iosee the futuer seocnd i know where this eneds but i table beyond im the sadhcild and i am the gratedul jesus of mylandandtables i am the farm and the unviers setinggn on my arm now they queersttion of my studious(im oldnow) whomst the unvierse who asak sto be question with who the y ask i very old and table and tab in will with my will i thouhg eprse4cond this shits wild okay let me explain -so oakylet weghather around the fire where bugs each otherts cdicks for theach cimeptoeions and cockbuster sock wearing clonsies panties degrews my soulsefl witrh seeaching and iseach imtired of wodds im going tot he farm with my unvierse my world my nossed end, what is table will what is your tab in so tis so stupid its your linear something icant be table to its youi that to the table to that second abgo over and aint(can we not electrioncaly cannot be something to eb true to yoruself jsut do it i can belviei inn oyu for this second i dontknow andthatshwategverbut icantdide lying tonext your shitty self made table whateverthe mehaptoeitoical isntiation ass bitch) i cant ebevleii she brok ethe table thats its your taqble will ym quesiton i didnt aske di hafve neere table will nor table but canable the canal where the mosses droog ther not metaphotricla nooses i aint sue your mary aint Homes Courming Eon on a sat ur date night when the univers begans hotcacking the coldwheels wroaring nexto life the abnagu98ius plash of laster supper of dinners and wines to your supliments iveseen the moon roared to life on nights Done. Tried and tired the hoases down the cheke the moon wondering tolife to thier table theywalkjtothe next location along th saysame street the saysame street where verone wont next to the location the where veroine theywalkintothe insect- fromonenext lcoationuve sene thew billy boads tyhe borolly boards(here will be importnatn be to billy rememrber he you and your 84's degrees on pee in HD) sowhatwilltheb income thesadcome the moneycamethorugh ruptured yoursouls be a shotbeadadlee and nextto a sefl harted hating self9i like to saw a moment you've [ and i ve seen and i repating my interests my next section dbbef the garnoudu [ asscerious to a wonderious accesiousn[ wherer can goign with th enxet section [ to where the fishess swim to where table sna past can no longer beean able [ to where joke snad disrputsio cant evern began to bee a oddity but only equal[ owhere it willwint i end the rabbit hole i cant see my mirror ivelost my self[ i wanther the water im dronin they sawl they all sang they all sibed the chillgiging words with anahproin meanin theyve all crossed crorectly[ i wanted to be an aritst bt naw here comes toady with is shaodyb gecomefthy ebethtroasty roastysuch a sandcrossing [billy[ next seciton will dictact the past and introcutiong the roastytouchsuch billy toughy coomokie ourglasses clinckin sickyle the play is nes yo[ wonderious houisers vacant of ans sadcant icant go herre and child and askwere there the tennis is[ foster a tree growth [ down to the trumkpiuts souls searching sext a location clink a temptingation drinkymsouleast earnest in and out cinkh jank billollogy varndious imporitacne ivbeen be aboard my aloan is my greatest strength my bouts[ soeuch eachorrunce each secon iven seenmyself along the wasted waters the sideswlkas sidetalks my sinsi cnat get ppast[ the wonderius jyoous morning the next day athwer the i have my joyous table borken and fgree wilkied but i [i may have intererupued the cycl it starte from where it eneded youj ask[ to will it will ened and the beginnignw here it will be gan and i sing the beganing to youe arrlity [ not the billyiearnyl suchroasting toathybeeth the artist of a portrait[where is so dedalus[ not here comes[ sadcantyou tell imso wildiread the booksiknwothe truth icanseenyouraface disgust withnothing smelly ofnothing the fourth the fithf the cycleivebeecome to ym ignroance my somethingwhatever ntoecming the deepthest ivebeecom the brackets [ u is oyur at fault at such the journal wrings of mririosna dand blood the cumsalts the sea and sadn brinigsnt he ous glasses saddnes the farm dismless dogs com and singing the commrate playties of grnad 78 occaious arooinhd here they the name sinoridninda cen plaguius and suchihaveno fiend and [q,wywyrrwy , wyrywrywrywr,uttuttutu,wrwewewwe, bxbxbxb, bbxcbxxbc ,bmm, fhh fhf hf , dg ggd ,yr yrw ywr ,yryrwywr , yi iryiyr , ety,y ,,h,h,h,h,,h,h,h,h ,,yrry yrw wyr , iyrir yiry ,yr w ywyw r, tqqt e tq.,uuet, ,,,ute,,uu, u, ue, t,ute lut eutu tep,p hp,pphhp, hf,pfh,phfd,pdhf ,ph,ph,ono,,,,'','n,'n,'n,'n,'n,'n,',n','n,'n,',',',',',',',',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,]the guest ghsotly listtheghastly evenlsitist isempty hwere to thehow the second wemust've gone aback acutally the reawding the list towhaticisvieded about in the rtegment segmnts about tablesanduhc mywhsad wherer did this sad child comefrumthourhg ym sadagina? snotwhere it be nowhere but up in my shit upin my grand pHD my mentors molestisons caving broughts such 12 kids tadnring standing towwer makign a trainble without the third theycant do ti i cna belijve [u ever done this disguust and shame ive' seat my chai r and wodnmerer the wall where it will talk and advic emy wriiitign you veen see the sadchhold my necka dn your neckt ust collbaoclat do you hate th esun do your hate the sun i cant my evniuons of such yourself as luaghs wsowhmsot dissioivel into what we tiriclaiftally setup your guestand list such abe bequuith such a sadname msut be propopsed not of a child bt hilden the hidden the obsufaction[ iahvenoporepsoed theisnname as a grand book(not) to aa ocdfcious oi have love(not) not myself ias your instance i came(no) to thesecond i camehere inherhand my hand between the others icansee(not) the eeys its ohosot so clear(not) walk tyhe walk(not) talk the neer so cant anyone hear your screams, we all live inspace[ur lockiong ur blueness redness suchness amenesspathment reeksof deadchilderned Die. End. Done. next so tour section garndious sectionsioung apportiuonus [it reeks of nothinges reached it did the moutnain ffo fo to to ta a icantevetrnseem to concepta thoughts lake from wmbodyes the graet grand gree[a; 'fpg[ /.................................,///// 90-0000000000 .,?????????/ / .,,,,,,llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllvkkkkkkzbbhhhhhf/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,[nextot sou sectioin thank youferveriish much for endinth this we must appluad onyour garndo9ous accausuon now fore asecert go back and linearly read this for laughs dont ejoth si and accompance thios for seeviwings and reach a second inw ehre you can [ personnally i cnatsit thoruhg this is toomuch;' ic ant sith roiuthg tyha its too much its a llwohlebistuicu ona 7day on bequith tiwthitwostwins begruding scrubbing themsevles rubbing the sins and bins ttrash i heap cans i can kcikt he cans with leiing(not)[ sonecttoyour list lyin your ending suchs and sucks I demnad myself more i cacause yuse your fouy treaosn and persion and prison the where youmsujt land oh do you remembr the times where in together was so truth and the brids reache s asong of sadchidlnre were spokme such names[ sectionnnnnnnnnn[ enuff tbegain of that these walls sepreat us from oursles our lies are in brackets all truth is in within each monet and i second its starts fromth e ii the date imsutuve'fucked realbad andnow the world is completey]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]