back back??.


From the burning house twnetith own the street it all houses in and closes to wathd egree and the extent of the graiftion of the situation can concur and fold it into it sle for around it 7 times oh tyhye say rag and drag round the 7 rope clinking the floor. The rot corpeses the linenins alongside othersied obejcts to the fire or whatver its purposeful its usefullnes. sighint gtower behind the bended rods sticking onthe ground and flowers lining the floor couraging the skill to sclae the somring or whatver the subject it is. the somwething rising rising and melting into blands and sins and of wombs blaring the loudest sounds to the ent person wanting and wiaitng for the socliting of the next rock in line. all could be waiting to 12 can thy and will hey. who so who dares thery travel the rocks and ask each selecitively. -the rocks cna sing can dance bance and yance, will rhymes saves your fe with a topmatic jumpsatic inciducidoous soulslanger wriddden with jackibyuan gunslingy slingioes? probbably,mnot cause the case if the fire wull reach him the first the rocks will smelt if the wold can be burn threearth can to eadh crecivec smelting and liquateding nothing but the lust for the clena and sin the and can be whatver be last acn ned. the rocks pelting many things at the perosn beidses the fire comign with outside house yknow burng and shit the small objects inc,uded small animals of diffrecn variane and their and the thire organs beleding the blevoide god juice with once sttuariton ther land before it all smleted in the land reutnring to the earth. it once a prurpose the earth granted the jucie not the blood thats something diference or so whatvvere it . the fucking rock shate children. who doesnt. can the livers of kids epxlode randomly at which rocks will feed the sapce. surgersy are inclusive of multiple things nothing can occur the rest all subjective or something like that. kids really annoy me. so they balffed out the dilaouge speaking of kids and rext the burning house will rhymes it death cause it cna opr san it can? the juice is really fucking flowing. the temprature is rising. the floor is melting. the rocks are fine spelling out the encauplueste of what is to be done and ryhme death with virture, can it and what is meant to be done. moving outside the rokcs are still standing on the road skulking on the road what the fuck the is thier problem their rocks not metaphors they just fuckign rocks. rocks cant even fuck! can this even be a thing can this multiple things be linked to another to form something. fuck it, nect time i see trees its now a persona and im going to have a tree stick up0 my ass, and its proably going to bleed alot but. thats the process I see iut now, but with that epic realziation the rocks still lust the attentnion and im still a whore giving hard rocks a jabby whole time. or im not? looking at a 24 degree which is doesnt compute as can you really look different. the earth spinning with confidence can move at a rate about 1000 miles per hour on a space graph ythats too fucjkignb stupid lets say time for that. its a relalatibve to the x,y,z that dicitc es position but for my and rocks and perosn even the fire, rfire can do physics like breaking down things into other things mabye its a chemist speaking oh trees are bad an tha scale and hearichjy of thegovenrment are corruption. Back to tyhe pooint, the rocks there or the perosn moving on the earth system about nothing, but with the about 1000 mikles per hours things it movees alot more so can conlude this we need a duration of tilting the head(if tyhat ever acutally stops) and the time to reach the so called 36 degrees. the capture with er amazing 1000 mph equation, but how does thre workc feel is the hours really a amaing presicpriont of setting the cow on fire or a another thing. the many rocks solidid at the simiosntier sun breathing down it necck what doe it know about present can ti detial and origiante the real or the idffecne, got damn but it can it be so? the flying rocks decied on the fire each one alla bout to 12 outside in the outside jnot the hole from the surafce ending to theparrelelalin es , in the congruence stance of a X shape decinding and accelreating at 10 m/s^2 or realylfuking fast. iut a shame it wieth the ime the stages are being propleled form the beginning or the midlde and the end can the rocks make it on time? I got some good trees they are haelthy and sing to my liek churhc pastors whsikign elaves and chugging water. I cant drink water on prohabation due toa xess albour demand and exporation of unlegal advice. daughter ofmmutliepl prodiges. as the rocks bellow churnign the sun bearing the bear that cralwed out the house toureing the plhase it was their final home that sat on the non thing and deicede that iwas a joke and kept moving around it was a really big house it kept going thebear asked the rocks now at a point whwere the wont reahc their diestiaoon for about 30 or more hours its a long flioght for these poors rocks. so they asked anwyay the bears they are spekaing what caused them when they you yolunger the war of beacsh and bears and rocks a bear havign a pateitucal hard rock vs a nothe rhard rodck collapsoed onto a portarit of multipel actual hard rocks and celebarting the emotiosn of hard rocks., its a singulaity or anothe situatuon that this can be slaved to can this actuall be rocks or dicks the bears asked this the rocks respnoned with a ting at the heart sensing the world with a ting a flavor enve the same this moment aceleariotn at a 10 m/s wich evolde as to what point they will collide with the bears can they or never can they get or wont they it and be such without the voice? the bears tackled ,lightly and started fishing uncontrollable and started barking as if such dogs writher in parnte sposition trianglualteiong and hearichy scales the bears writher and the person was the 3rd person. 1 compliced the scale and measure the tactical prrof of actually undestanding a circle and demnad iot was about 3 rounded down of course 2 spect into the force mesaure of particles that cant be seen an d obsverd movemnets that can be upzied and regressed iun 3d dimesions to controll about +x +y +z, 3 wanted to leave and write out white die out expecations never much seem so whimsical the rocks didnt and wont cause the difference of being and wasnt if never so clue and to you in and even thing to be amazed at the next evolution can be so to stuck. it was aounr d 3milres ahead a person a guy a fucking horse rove and drove his car and up he goes down he falls beachs climbing miles into thew sky. but this beach in person view wrapped arouind to the ever fasting rocks and gave them a nice slope that made them faster in what fashion it didsomehow but it worked. the rocks dutiful with god charity with a blanket smahed in pieice they killed the bears and all was well. The rocks titled and ditled danced and prouded the beras singuled appaloiude across the fierty but alon desert congrates with many lines to celerbrate the the discetions each verticla and down the own each part and are talkign to eachother with repeat sucessions can thyr or wont they be competievei. The Crash Will and Wont but they susist and it keeps happening to unsuccesivalmany atempts at a idea, the celebration of the ration of psat memorys congrats to the idea that what was ocne by past it a mirror can they guy net to mov get alogn! whos ho ho with each next door step the hinges on the dissecrtion lines across the desert acome closet to what frogs can explode the excellent ememroesy are present and brought and drowned by thir demiurge pruple enough and watered enough the death acn bypdrocuh the comission to the want and needs! Rocks started piling or inaothers words the dissectionof multiple forms with a propers ecxess of communviate stragergy and amss killings sided with a side no more then 15 ear olds with a child inkling compared to the other youngesters still no partiostim and the funeral will be aclsoed shop with nore more porduct and dispesner physics, how so do how water so waits. Rocks rocking back to the fourth wiating around 4 minutes butwait congrastiontsl to the lin es they hast moved to a nother dot andother time in a space umberalls cakset the space funeral shadow glory sing no one hears. Blodded teither and intiation rocks move but no lines follow the start and break at points dictacted to the square of another said line, thus they create the desert through the so called empty space but thast itself is ntomushc besides a line nont consiticn of a line os speak a anti line but what is next to the anti line surely that distanc ce istself inside a line is half or merely a quarter? rocks punrede into the infiniy distance between themslves and boreder between fistance and form and left thier forms intoa infitnsetmally quantivie relity with unexpecetd dissiections along the moving lines with a move they current the wing gthat allows anti oines to break dand disspear time is a scale with a instinfeal unit breaking and anti s]time follows a cat tails and a dog neither more nor less can appl;y to. The rock snow applied themselves to a nother sisuation with a field rangedwithinin lines but it keeps deeper witthin a well thatts water drowns a man to lustful for lil with blood nad jesus they suit and ponder and mabye think if that rocks can wand wold do the things, the liunes and such keep happening and they by rrocks keep losin into a smaller distacen but at a point the reached a point and the tuth of a scale eof evyerijnth is a pinpoint of neither importance nor effective method dicatcing the obottom of the lustfulmans pants rinned with white cherrys and disatser pills crept to the brim with skeletons and bones those forms are collabed to a collaposed form and the message lines in the phone lining that form are nto compataible and calclulas is nto for rocks Amaazing at the relevton hat jesus swing his fist on the earth created the force of calculuas dicatcting the truth of finding a circle and what isnt a nothingbut a space itself, the desert the travel and sitance collided and colopased at once at when sinc the beginning or hnear the middle and alittle end or i couldvfe say nowhere at all on tance -bashed ith a reock to the head jesus fell o the floor naw bying consumed by rehortic of a child but a roc thrown by a child with bloodozzing neither more can the dicacting tiales of lines and dissection cutitng the desert with p s and downs by confused by not real anti lines thosefore are not nothingbut possibility of nothing to some succesion and that once was is by a ppossibltiy can therefore happend ina a game and a chance of random somthing, i saw sougt the rocks hirtitng my head befallst to the foughts and falls of the well oflines pareral and ata 90 degree angle, but ileft alone htose angles piling around me forming the dissection of eveyrthing and final perpendical line corsscecting the rocks piling the land i was cursed by a child and thrown no more buildings nad pprison the temporialt tempations can see the vision. The rocks sat on the blazing halft baked tempted desert prompted by the cross jesus to see the seduction of anti line sna dsee the possibliy of a secnd coming the second chance or a meir favor bittin into the shark by much pressure theshark cant see huspreyand decuied to bite but fails and deies loses his familyasnd hisdaughter ginesthrigh mutlipo empty deaths has l;ivedmore thenthe familty srated living whenceth esjhark boiled its eyes and thegun left cold amnomofe dicatded by theheammo. Rocks sawthe emtp[atioin of beearhavingitssroked.eft cold winded by thesxtrets and its sun distafeulboilign its ruptures its chance and byprocudct its left startedw ith its meatl family and womb f control and organazation the war left not all a fmaily desert but in once a desert the war commendec and the bottle ;eft whi[[ed lashed and forgotte not a fucking person but a bottle its a bear bottle and nothing more it lays in snow and fire with andrei around the corner pricne for that matter started singing about his glory and lost his manor couldnt he jsut fuc,kign marry her int he end? but left his buddy to whatver the hell he was up to and the little man was his so much bane, with the blink of the desert the lotus consumed and all gbecame a buttefly sititng and rnikignt heflesh piling and he winced and sadden the war but no less bmuc else canould that seen that coming and winced awaythe flies to the next. The rocks below the ground witrh a stargazed ground seeingth esky asnd the space looking donw temptin its flight ifthe ground gave way and taook the spiritn and let it anismim beond the basrrier of formnomore perecetipn and business couct the prodcut and let it losse to the space and kiss on the empty nothing and the plants slal rejohyce with gragvitythecontroller at a staight with a dream and a cigerrate and the meteor strokmewd the ground befalling its tales and its bototm a good tales of chance and reason that things happen cause you want to them not some shiot alright dumbasss? The rocks stood no more as they falling to the spirit that sta neck to the rocks it told thme that rocks was a chance of the earth standigns till needed a hartt coold layer against th emeanie sun the fgather the bully the chance of the agreesion my breiain something something something something the rocks feel thorugh that too the spirit didint know that it beats paper and so the fell through the paper of the thine lines crashign and cutting the lines alognside the scirrios hidden deep inside the rocks came erect and destroyed the office and chair and something something the grouios chayer falyer briskst with empting evenness and sunsets nad sunrises baskjing the rocks(normal rocks) with a sun as the rockms travers the rocks and found nomuchmore by then a harmony ofnotmusch its symbolic returns at a builing striped and basked down by he cakset sun this life is not open its rib cage stabbed with a knife and the brisked base and its osours layere on the floor around it its the cage and the chain and the more things to no more end and it layere dthat by th possibility of the things of ever deicin tha past things make of the future and that past stole the future ever listning licesens and practical teaches. the rocks kept going a cat puring into the crisp afternoon air with e air ryhimg the lines with a dilaect of a cat speaking its meowing it deiceded that it promied with a lick of the fure and it eat its own ass letting the shit ozze in front and letting all the sun squeak through its mangled body with no sight of fur it each part os ift selrf scremaing with the tourtrues of something that wasnt and eat its possiblity and thought of wat was and it could be that no more was possible and its ass bleed the millions of sins eating and it left bare skin torn by the pieces. Gorund slapped iijth a force of the cat or was i guess, rocks see, rock sought, rockm dvoured but didnt gazed was always was but never did the cat mangled boey ruipte the line snad quest con with each segment the lines and eyes stare and bend the perspectinve the fools tricketer amkign art into a realistic fashion and the 2d ina msterufl of our puppets andbeyond that waves controlled by the eqatuons Change and thats wahat the rocks figure what the points could be the change of a line the cirlce fominr gitsefl it wouldneverbeen and didnt because thew possibltiy of ylur sucefsful by fought and lines of dissection crossing the well the rocks were in with a mangled cat corpse the body of jesus and a kid wishiekd by the reflie and of e a tempation of hving a nose fo a long hair extsnesion more sought geletikn cresent shaped moon orifices scarped qwith metla nd blood jaggered thorug the skin he faulted and blooded and vomited to theheart sotpp edna whipepd it and it all foredm teoghether,m in the well water waits. with e assoprting of characters ina ncie penerpcicle motion a perspective motioin viewing the lines and the trickster pal,ys his dman fiddle ryhimg alongside war motiosn its structuer and archtievure tear it tare it all dopnw the tricket lays dead wi tha all compassion and allonce but no sure spacebut a empty nothing he lines thye all foremd the tricsmter long hair exstention ryhmg and recet ;ulsating with dlecitae empt pulsates lined the lotus flowers with corpse and bare the change and withierd f whatn and the imrpession frontao, lober exchange or a small price olf perspective thebriasn lbored with a meat cleaver a clean shot and a blunt o the head over nad agian til the metal shards rymed the skind sisection lines vcut rothugh and eyes gone black tear the rough the walls to itsall a lboster pincing the double na formign the submit content to all lays waste top the hoards of dogs pensisn ripped at youe eyes tearing and jearing it all to pieces layign ti all to waste what a waste the barrel laed waste to no poiint jsut more lines and it said the line sbend and curve the arts his little playbototm and the tric,ster sirls ryhymgrin alognside the lines. The rocks had enough and no more was the trickets shit and iot lyaered dead and all agfian was empty the ryhtyem kept his heat alive and it all came crashing the well futher and the child lifeline came ashign the divode paretns shuffle its eyes crashign with water and the pool starlightr by sparklers shinginth e refarction of the weall and sublimed tense messages and kenede and prayed o a force that it sense and belief and that it was okay and the child looked a normalcy compared itself toa d eragen lunatic and nad started to mulati iteach oririce and nothign was hdiden execpt the space andthe ground. and thye kissed hodin each other wishsign it coudlve been differntand the rock sat eindiffernt and in fault those lines belonged to the fiery desert can the sky and ground emet and tthe distance enver taved by smaller lines and they all sat into each other. they wondered. rocks silte each other rooms and danced alognside each four walls corroised into the desert bleak and purposeful grunts til knocking crame the situation bleeding into testifyies the court room order. entering a whole sound audio temeptation, believe z, sounds of appluase from 32 degrees angles of the current direction the rocks pointed thie situatuion is dead and dire maned wolves laned carpet hanging from the cieling hold by the glued on tiles refelcting the light tied yby the floor the walls croacked of holes rflex in and out. this decem,ber courthouse surrounede by pavilinio and wonderious windows creptthe autumn knight star sky wield a sun fusion, short later the rept wift thorugh river broading stiked the middle dissection of the desert, holy scared palace, burned funerla, cheapend sky. the tiles came aboard of parce and place tempt the location with a another hit and clash thhe sielding walls cornign the edges and subsurfedc space waulded the rocks alongside the roattiaon path of the proper vectotowrads what the end disscetion brought the rocks a holy grial jesus nailed up on the head and eyes neither nor feet nor hands laid across his body upsiude down on the t that spoke -he o, crept silence oh so dreddan came grumeth. Jesus ldiing off the naisl the face half off slide and it all was pieces and flesh it was a all rocks and fiches and it was under the sight of sow someone came crampt cunneth gunning the epert dissection runnifictaion of a character bringeth pacedf out funerals chapend dark skies, sunswith end and mouths that extend meters rapt into the deltoils silked lined ash blood. came crampus at the end of the beginning the statue of jesus riseth and falleth cames the shadow, thus spoke the great and wonderusz Dreddan , the ryhmed an d wilence desert whsipered and shriekd cause of calls and deeception, balling a steak and womb fulls of blood carirying the =center terminus, echoing babyolon crash with a meter long insurance butall came through the center perception rocks shifitng the rocfvks view and shading corretion and failed to accoutn the sutiable business propsiert the xxcountabler the heart opumps per second and rips its eyes skin taste burns into the walls alongthewords it ryhmes Dreddan with nothing more the rocks lookedaround an ewscape from the escape the desert closing in andth e circle sky scriopts into a acube resuesxtiuon the greats of undermine giants torrenting the rain came game queen the gamblet bing gambing suits or ties its all a knot right ring down, uppie downeits all spoken sord sword word ,the ryhmed dieceipot,the blood kept startting its minisecuale eyes blaring at the minsicule perection of ere rokcs can capture it weiled the sight of knowledege ancestral devices kept inside jesus for the purpose of the desert its creipting crevies is sought demise, thus jesus spoke nothing annd judas bladder kept carshing exploding its juices its strike adn stroke rupting the smooth edges tear itno the infisitnemal, xechusation kept the wall stable an the hosue stabler its cold dreipt the desert weeping its not-state its beomcing insnt natural can ti wallsbear the name of hughman enouhg or the funeral will explode like the last one, phone rinng from across the street each lihgts ringing not much else beides the insurance a poacket of of packtes kept wall the smooths walls together and jesus kepts packets otegether and the walls will never smooth ecahother into or out but mr hughmnan hoes and owes a daughter and a the rivce of eachores to the sky sun and ground its muutal relation between the sky and ground will iss and each spoojnge til beleed nor dried will shoved with jesus and blood will saoked and not much eles.e Dreddan son hughman spoke and sorten intol the wallas shifitng awayform the conrer creating a thing that circle to another and so foiurth the strata of its neurious cna eldto the afflciation with notmuchelse it enders there the presecetne delines the sunn abbirevation but with rhe desert collpasing as the wealls began shifting and smooths reverse it befames hard a square but insard no longe redga vasnign point inside the 4 and 5 6 7, n +1 the emptbyeond the limit the internwsitny from the central and impissoible lid of total flowers of the aututmn, need craving for a poloicyplan that consuls and disrupstion htat Dreddan temp and crept did lotta thing but Coolslight he was the car kept coming and becoming the accident neither wlakedaway with 2 3 4 n +1 the cosmos ight striked its bleled and kissed the ground and he deseret dissection ryhyemth and rifting tore its syllable across an apart its nails drived into the head for and what purpose? rock splalterer with rhe blood of jesus and Dreddan sat at each other neither edgsa asspace wosing followign along and kept the game heading nowhere the rocks did opickup the desert in its creeky plamls slos a atruck heading downards as a constnat eaccleration arlund earth garivty sppeed albit a bit less, it shfitined turned and the disscetion wrapped aound thw wlals and its smooth eedegs 0oragns pumpign and bleed and the nails inside the eyes kjept regersal insideoutwhare til a driver misue its keys and in all pockets felelout a bleached plan from the dart entering each eye fripping ou the organs and pileiopung thekmo burying hte rocks the star of nazaraeth a mure puny disater, and Dreddan alive once again and he promimsed Hugman, th'll he kill agian if he neede to ! and the need to camesofasster and so ssoon he thoughfothe time of provin the great albgerba equation to his sown and sun the kept ksising hi s father what a shameand his life last leg tored on and as the suncreekd river droned in the bl,lodd tored and fell with a the erath gravity relevation o the corner streeet sits hole never fileld by a anothe truck into the station, he was born anditwas kept a thirdleg to it smoked pup an lit the fusethe house olonfire notmuchsure what the details lied about happen exepct a crash course vicotry or a dummies approxaio no to the eys of some or someotherse, the rocks details th ceretfaaiton fop reptos from thw witness alomngside the chirst passione swording th many legs and a sunriver check the blood if the natural but soughtdown wallsedegs wore downm the funeral itwas a pridejust secpical of a greater war between tnothing and nothing this contomipkaied tivel though Dreddannstading this was that so far thast what i was ai mst reiteive my father loose pokect change it was kept alongside my naure and nurture my kids head layed on his feet eyes poked outh with sewweing kneedles porpeprly alinged to the time on the clock wriitnth in blood on thew walls that met with corners the rocks strucuter a desert in the hands the Dreddan sought the water inth e capsuel to it blonw up with sand streaking the faqce of Dreddan to more the sun flace ablidge the court the testomitn and eyes of passione the frnech naascal army prmomtp the sidelding arrnaged intoa fashion of 21 st degrees with a half a meter diamter between each a circle of asbosu,teness around Dreddadn each gunandshoot and bulle the dsert diessceiton repeating and rifing each bullet acorss hte skin repating and scuscession it happend to the othuhg of the bullet was a beocming and it coarsed the skin of a gbullet shifitng and th desert collpasoed into the alla dn the churhc alongids the figures out of sadntheose great endless ignsla dn of ssingular subjects with aporocess times and the net not much else. Dreddan z z sught bought blows funeral empty sky parade courages byeond notmuchels and itssure a finey day Mr hughman your sunnysonriverdaughter criept a riveranditwasall lucky do don bucj tio.l,t he chkiikcen rossed a apth of twolinedlegs anda themurder of a preitperit nomuchelse but it was the sun, it was fucking my mother!