A fish appeared and walk and eat a, like a perosn he fictures and ruptures pouring a slight bismal dight. A spitch speckl on th esho shines the glary venge sun.It tears the eyes at its corous, each reteneta catching a sligh Tear. what a terrible fish! Saw creeping the throught he shadowes of the bluey walls, the tumbling persons each rushing own thew halls. Grapplging the illusionary fish on the floor bottom and top each corrisidng the time and place that the shuedule will take place. The end squence commence in about 10 minutes the hallway is starting to collapse the rocket is locating and launching. II The circle of perfect radius was consturected those persons all the same in shpae and whatever you have, they steem a mean one and start to collbooreate to run faster as a group til. IV they scrapt the mtela off the clock and the peed towards the fence it was a mean one. it spark and shoot the largest and meanest(yushon), it was a giant foe and it damned a near secape. But the walls hae the measurements and they deemd thier calculations and shoot it right at its five inch fingertip crushigns sts skeietlai diaprhrma diaframe, die frame it was, dead it was. So good to be alive they jumped and fried each other hands 2with touches the lights are began to burstt and the little one(tium) began shouting ata F7 chord progression, and a all was so once proud but to disgust at the dark empty life at all ahaed. The fishs wam. X The eyes are inishing the temp and test the turotial on giving they all dead, all the fish eat their lvies the schuedule masses each one eat a nice piciknmic and left the floor relizeaign a purpose of grander, and i sat here i must've cathced the fish ause i can't find mine. It was all alone in the hotel ar9oom at night when thefish camt up ask me what was my problem casue i was aloine in the hotel anda all athough i cant find myself i nice time tolesiure around itsstill orefercable toimagine anice concussion ata joiunt leg prctor and timeb ut at once the epic. Teh fish said shut up and i didat oonce butalthough the words didn't stop I truly wished they did.