the shits

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Death Camp- the titled of the exucerios is the of funny names and genius of myself is the fall of ther slope of rleairy I can't tell the differnet between a penguuin and you reading this buck fuck you that's the point anyway so called the anything down in the glimpse of reality called your life so the idea of that bottomless ptis peaks in a tone you condense as of a gay man with a boner that can reach the 9/11 towers and destroy cuz of my context the reality it self self insert between the events of the twoat ther moment the elcrticitry as the moment excersuon and so fourth the chararcters harbringing upon the momenbts in the events condense into the hgsings ending and beginning so the beginning ends itself oin the stool at the place or so called the place helps his buddy dies and the plcae is the place lft in the world as the world is itself no longer and real is itself crying and despressiongf the weor,d is only emotions no cock losing a boenr is sure rougyh no ass only hol a great man once told be in his land y dreams I can't see beyond this death camp my viison are tooi much said something in the world it's his crying that trleas the world of fate and it's fate so you cans peak beyond this glimspgin dark of the deps you can't or see beyond this attic is sure empt so ou fiull it again I can't devise a plan it said the world comprise it's decieison again so you can't and this it can fucking words it sadi just jostling artound in ti's head the shape of a lightbulg (i'm not joking) it's a joke not a really lightbulb cock deicdes it's time for the time to show itsleef to the world and the world is on fire not shure how it's the cum of the world it's on fire from the world it's on cum from the fire it';s all tof the autism fault it's thrir fault they fathers is a long tall man with an ahat the side oz of the 9/11 towers but the contex tis inverted the unviers altered itslef in the duplciate itslef of ther two different tyowers so they diffeicent itself on the towers over and over again mant his guy the world is sure a meaniy it does nothinb ut cry it creates and cries hwat a creator our an ending is a resoivro for your suffering and you cant' cry anymore cause of the world is ending so pack your world and talk to it right do ti bitch but cumming fire causres the end of it all the spooking stoool full of the real and fake differning laughig ad the colorful world depsreing it self of the sadness near the sadness of the entrance it opens with a ekmpty air as if the obama had just cleared the room but his fire dancing session with the 21 other presidents ghost which have bene reucouded tiin the century the xit form reality stands at the entry for the death camp glad for entrance for it's the reason you exist in the place the tvs are on and the lights and the glimpts of time and space appear right in your face the effincy of these people are just retatted tyou cant' think asit self is a thought of hte unviuers itself it enters in a fastne matter in the end of ti matters or so though for you it's a disgrace to th eunviers and the land tiself i s the end of tiying lies between the and you the entrace still opens and oabam still dancing twith thw 30 ghsots of th epreident accounts of the dfeath of the world as it's dead so it's dead right and agian ask itslef man the capiltsitm state is so bad says the man in the corner ignore him it's just a goblin from the album it's a world devise itslef in a matter fashion can't mjatter tyo me though it's a mlie to myslef and the self of the world it's real bitcha dn the grace of the world and it's amttering existence so the entrancelk its open and thwe world enters its asadden it spekas with a tone of voice directed at th eman of th ewhour"""""""obama"""" whos real or so called him that he's face isnt' rela and this isn't either so it's all of materr and the end it's just a world porlbmes not our of crouse we are th same and it's the same so the differenc eb etween and a horse is at then matter of hand it turns and turns and turns you look like a fucking horse what a horsing horse it does ovedr and overe ang adain youd os it does jocking in the end it's towers are the amtters of the time and it falls in the current present and fast it's falling past down the the moment is all of the lie we live so we can exist and the unviers eis so speaking of the present time it goes said the world on itself and the people or whatever it says it's a lie anyway so the people right super important says the world so to speka ti's a speaking emtaphor what you can;t udnerstand it's the simpelicitn between 1 and 2 so this world right kinda. Stacked at the top is the man of thour the prophet is the guy starting an endless endavour of his hour toiime of htis concept so it speaks and it speaks nothing what a converseaion between things siad and said it goes it goes glance it self at the time it's at the all you can't i can't we can't glad we be agree you joking at a matter at the hand of the preset situation with a giant towering falling on my head nad practically killisn gfthe entire world who's committing sucidide in the lobby while obamam cuddles him into doing so you know how uncool and swag that is it's a morale pledge to be swages tof them all sothat's the ghlad to be in this world what a dissponited this relaly suck when yoiu can't and it's a jhuka made upk,anguage is a situation when your converse and the thing dong being dong juck njgkac towers are falling the matter of logic are collapsing tyhe worlkd is now dead it's all over the obamas family and their guests and ghosts thier hautngin gpsirit died long ago it's a ll over the post fencing battle saying all things and end things have you felt the thing in lost of the moment heated and contemtoion between the battle is the greatest thing bloom ever felt it's waking up is he greatest lie it ever said I can't siceren between a man and a guy so you cant' either justice following the in shadows of those who past i s the jbos of these so called men in these fablous black stunyn otufits design bythe world before he offed himself of cvoruse is the aprt of the meal athand the dinner served by the world only be offing himself is the world finalyl true and cretaed a floweering vision of that is true to aspire a new rold order in thiks uncollectivezed chaos we call the calling of those such calling the called of being by nthe caller who does call the calling of ther caller calling call calling I get enough of that sick meal again and again it's quick fast and moving a dealy bug with a car readyt io skoae at any moment on the chair at the 6 is the grubdub a being that is being a durack is smuching and ghcubki so that fore the existenc of the surrpttions can exist without the nd of the world of crouse it's all matter of the course at the end tdinner great of the great and the great for the great it's the same for the same and and Glad to nto be here thse spy said it's a fashion beyond the greatest debt to ym lord of time fellows itself a great bellwoing to by great indeviours my debt to your sir in the follwing behind his 9783,68 jacket with tinge of ornage nd despisment towards the world your hatred garnes any notice within the confiements in thise unvierse can you spekak wirth a tongue tha tisn;'t our mothers tongue ina anner of fgashion of ym paragdim ro are you a failrue learned todres slike a hermit in his own hgome genmsokoy wnats you back fauckjing faggot great bellows beyond the ven atmoshpoer of this dead beyond world so it's perpsecit vi s a atmoshper tempature,,, what a sign,,, so course the meal is a matter of deals and likes,,, can i even subject or matter and nouns this to peiceesss,,, glad you course you glad glad it's be to be gladding and dadding is my offer at this rulsation of this ap and dp buck shuck .,,.., ;?' ;[] what ammner of this hour time is running out the tower are folling in the beyond room theis hotel is known fior it's chaos captures itn in future eccense escaping is fultie since it's alredy ehre for to speka a matter oftime you can 't escape or devis emy plan is esacbple failure is at hand the of 16 as it drives down down down deep deep granted it tided along the wya tower crushed it at 6>79 AJk backwarsd it's time fowards granted it's all dead inside the world rots so does the virus it's capturing ther eessnce of the current matter at hand which is to described as the descibred to be so fourth the jest of course is so prediacblt I might add to this equation so make it another birth fgrom the world is a course to bejoking about in the end it's a ll jokes to me i cant' breath without lviing alie to ymself thepeope and you my darling it's the end of the wolrs so let's rejoice adt the chatrarcter between 1 2 3 45 56 and granted I'm died now thanks for being there pal sport the ranch is looking goofd beyonf this glimpse of a dark timeline so your cause and reolsutokn it speaks to me beyond thi stupoid truth yoiu can tcoutn with your man figners yua busolteo twat of a perosn you cant; speak fo aoif when you brfdeath fo vcourse he died when the beamer form the metalistic supporting the beaming of the beaming support the vect 636, at a time msot nicatlbe at 6 when ti crashed and dashed it behind him killing for once and for all what villian glat to be NOT not be here right now otuside is the safe place or is it world hasn't died enoughy yet the brain rot is evear lasting seconds before the glaze of it's essennce dies of the world around and it's miraclers lies of it's grace and elegenace my hope is that of which rage doesn;t succed it's own usefulnes in the amtter ofddebt the world oers it's great m,any inhaibtnst I owe this this one two three of matter of this course closed and the great end. 2.0 Cant' speak in a useful tone in a context I can't undestand it's warming on the breakfest near the waters of that area that doesn't reallylpy exist the 2.0 in the air grasping and breainth fown ym neck like a shitty person does whne they annoy do you tell me you haet attics what a joyos accustion of mine and my collgues it';s a lie belkt up my granted towards me y feelings towards the land are all fake of course it's nowhwere much as the tihngs tha tll ahppen in then and deal it's a miracle to be here and then class the indviinal is a spectacle to wathc and lauhgin what a thing to do on the waters near the riverside the all along and end the gracious beginnings in joker case the end is now but whateve it';s a thing and where alll things ment to be in here and then forcourse it's the miracles that supplies the never ending pit of this watery water. Point is in case of the gracious land and it's miracles tyha tit whatever it is is there much of the sun belting down on it's without or with the sun beating down it such asthe sun beast down onit great gacious tombs of underlaying sympstons lead to death and results in the climax of death and so fourth and is the key word glad ot be here and doubt prsecen is the prince's job of kingdom and domninting is the ky to the crown my what a game it's the glorious yet not funny game that y'all shall paly to pray and feat amongst the few who can't and cant the pourpos e without the evil and the good ofcrouse the ciniemnt delight of those who dignify those who can't diginfiy those and can't it being a and being I realyl hate being so close to the nd of tower outisde right next do yolu see it names applong the end of it in a suprise matter the world is now loner here it's no more it counts presence it's name though shall be can't un re and ing great name you got there Come in inside I can't wait for the end o fit;'s accurence the wtower falling luckiyl for me takes a while fgor the course of matter it's about Nowish and ther eit goes the sound calles otu it's last sound but lkuckily we're beyon the idea of sound here in the galatic ordeal the world is gone but noly the world is important sto that wolrd it's the outside world turn's shien for the bulb death of the author is the anme tale of the gracious bystanders our greatest felt waiting and starting to rumble in this matter is our amtter the great belonging to court of the supremet and justice so to speak of what tales of enxt or the oblivioon caught in the tower wakes next for the subjagion of the truth and perspective is the name of the game sun can't wait to grow and it plodes and plode it does killing atleast the name before it doesn't and clouds the judgemnet callingt the death of 16 tributes along the clouds where it stands the tower stills tanding the sacifice stills tands and the gods still standing viting and biting it';s wya it scarmeing at every it touched can't it bevelive the truth that can't exist in this stupid bad world why can't it dead already the outside world this truth is beyond the gfreatest hope that I can't pardon beyond my lies of your situaution its' really bad soft psking as a i scream does whne eaten by something the anem of it's lost in the world count the bullshit in the canner the goner is a boner in the missing being of a grand duels in the amiing whan an op tier to make fun of wha is course for the reality of the outside world a graet ordeal thing is outside bystanders exist unntraulty geometrics exist within a paradigm that can't exist of crouse dear so course along thw wall a magic appears so gerat to be alive in this time what's it name "gracious great to be here man you caught a flying lie in it's trap so name accorling aswell" So next is the thing to be next so can you speak into the mcirphone so called person that of name -can't it be real or this callous intelletic i called upon can it be real? well that's a question to ask it's called apon a name of request to your request "just a lieing thief of whom no one shall treason or hung out with glad it's be alive but without it's a treason to my country and lies belivei them it's a organ donor who does squat at the televsion at noun and being hive" Great, next jsut ask a question to be answere once agian to not be you get the hive and it's honey hurt the hands and it's questiknal taste in all things taste it's building it's not very well built beyond the great empire it's lies it's much ofm a telvesion show the xcreen shows black in ti's emptyness the void goes beyond the empty screen entire the world cover the world beyond it's depths into a oblivong worth well bisiting this world beond delight beyond bliss is so cold that question to it's realness can't be ask is that enough of you you ask so many thingsd ina sentancve i can't even begin to pomnder the window hurts th remind sucha sth words agianst the cheese grader gear it's soul, towads the greantess of my cal,mity at books what a deal it's such a aspriing tales of muses and you in the world can't it speak of it's fate left alonme o nm the right corner are you lonley spakes the manager far beyonf the televeion sion screen you press against findi g it be to not there ofrt course but a manneuqtion destroyiong itself in the best fashion possible to be considere alive is to be a lie said the bitch who shall not speak again to destroy is commenate it spoke can it breal is being asked by thw qwall ti's idea of real is messed up of course the wall knows only darkness at the left side of the screen it's begging question desire an answer it doesn't knopw that I think it doesn'rhymnik so it doesn'think i think thinking I think what a triavl lie sajd the void ebond this reatarted lie who so called that trhe window peeved and answer a question didn't ment to be answer and so fourth it fcan;'t graceful when the books come knocking the realness into yor snesnsing to the void of heart unmerficule the word glases thwe alls as it pears ontop of the3 great sackitng of the things what things it's name requires attention amnogst the mass of stuff and words that complies it intoa void of stuff and shit fuckig piss? -Flying trap at a 7am beyodn my hopes" what a del,ightful name speaks offten of the great time at aplace which w never been of ym mind teels me so that drummer over there it isn't real my mind tells me so enough fot this retartedf at once said the kmonkey at work in this beehinve of mine it's the real vrom the is the real and the end of the gretreatness to be sadi the thing thsat has just been naming of it course was the great delete of chocies in the world actiuon is present thre woers it now ehre to been sene in the left or rightnm ess of this cornerly dimensions on the udner it coruses and dies of a mtatter abbriaviton i can call hop[e for hat th etop i can call class can class it death to it's current paradigm it ahtex but with out a happy smile it de,gihts and screams itself to bed ata 9 hour predio while calling it;'s mom a bitch supremme people are terrssila aliens we ike to cal,l our neigbors who wan't bequiet at the smae tim that odoens';t exist lonmg ago it's so not real but the anger and rage felt throgh it matches the wall fo its' demise i can't speak of breath when the 's door closed the rules beyodn the great wall of mine are a lie to seap sos fotl ogf this great ending of the great tower what a jouos accustioj and thoruhg out ther expeirences of ym travles it comes to my mind at atleast at the alla ned the truth is out there and weere it's in the treansverssal vaccum called this empty black void I asked over and over itg beg a question imcan't reason with the walls are closing it ti's a shitty lfie time tahcraracter it's all control in the end or it's me in the end all over it's planted all the walls and time the towere it's closing in and the end is apporaching so the for all it's the extrememe for a epic gamer experience such a saucy wayt toi end this all towers are sure crashing in it's following and again the course is voert matter it's gone facts nas illusion are beginning to rot in their carse so to speak and think for a time and it's revelance to each other and there the other guy can t;' begin to speak crying and crawling itself in the world it wants to mroazlie and it's lies to began tos rpead and they fact thast it's voer and over again wnats to rot itself hanging on the entrance to the towers it's a greating welcoming to soula and the heart it won't be thererof rlong and it can allow for suhc relvelance tro the plota t the hand as such nothingenss can't jsuticeif itslef in the hunting mof the ground wolves they scary peak of the upmost leaving of themselvres so to speak it's and it's that what conenction is brought opn the wo things that boucne around or more the socloosure of said things oh uym what a loop it has been I can;t belvieie to be started itself jsut ask and it'll be answered the truth it souwrt but these lies keep coming it's a cycle of asking a person for a hotdog and getting gelly like dude hot god such a speicifi cae is a hilairty for those who are voidedd to therse circumstances and those unwelcmeo to the entrance of the multi entrance it's all over now the end of the hotel ror altlaest it beings to stand higher then ever towers are just towers not really much the cvouse it still there in thened aint it not change the course of the matter is my real match in the end I can't even speka in the some breathy tone of voice that others dude its' jsut a complacited issue form 1 6 it's a ll ove rnow from a jacket wearing a jackert so four they rust alone in the corner and ask a question to the tower and question ti does and it begins a new and it closes itslef asking and beginning all over so you speak and the life is over so that's all of it huh. Section describe things are as a paradigm is taking a cheese sandwich are asking is a question aprortoate to they are matter at hand granted it's a ll dsiblief in the core or such as of in then or around cause it because can do the or faults int he can be because cause faults it does to be so cause can be or jsut like that that is that because our roundsing is a failure its' coutning a disbliefei a lie to itself a conomepatlion of secerey lying helfdestead fast in a tomb it stares and watches it's and it's and justice going fourth and risking all for a thing because a such a privlage life touche says the thing bceause it can't even or can it ugh why sucha cmplioilince ist such a without beginnign or end cause it's all relvenace to eahjc other ssoon the prpphey will raise cause of the serecery between theit and the all and jsut anmd juggaglos right and cry at night it's gonna be arlgiuth said will because of its privliage life it accounts for the msot of PÖ9┘Y glitched out of sampled text is the colorful juice that reighs the soul the most and the best question to ask for a beginner is to soulful the greatful of the sinful fol the winful a begger question to ask for juster asks myslef a wonderous question about reality nad it's three things more things cant' believie its' all over granted it's a formualted simtulat and over descrtibes to much it hubles it's space with right and left or spacey and time coiunt and evalute the triois and haiors speak loudly for the everness ccount it's name our for sake of the sakeness don't think or blink or wake up the privallige to be question in its moment grantesd it's rightful moment it cryes and symboloises a apple giving birth to a worm count yorui blessings sir this misison si going to be rough or the man stood up from the tree hard from a distant shadow the woamn blasters her ear at the sound of the sounf of it all and the correlation between whatevber the fuck you come up with is no more then fairy tale you are hearing right now as iknt heact of the matter the wiwiundow is longer been sinced closed as your eyes are reverlastin truth ov yourself in the present time and futuer this reality wont' and can't ecistn tell you say so but this act or jsut being is a jsutioce rpvia,ign aginst it;'s self look at th etwo en of therer distnace between each other is frirst and the second it time the privlaige of the spacve is of crouse the first mode of though but gho cares ofg when wof about where you are lava sounds nicer then in a room in future not in futureu can't believie this homestuck babsble exuse me on ym repgialtu talk fo such retartedf things it's a pleasure to escape the grantifoly ort stilling works of ym past selves in a escape fasim that so self werviong I can't being to atonme word to it sall a trasncribe tfor it patterrns attone for the soul of beiung and the realziitonj of the truth between you and em it hnikt his sickle thing is kinda weird and gross to be honest ic ant;e ven iamge what gyuy afo this kind poor this guy fo kind can;ty ebelis it's trutyh to be sduchja wwerid and actual event of some kind it';s just a lie beging to truth itself interbetween the intermisison of crouse the ships are gone ont heneve\ middle night of the deadships trasnveirng the cvrosseas o the everlasting dead tree it';s grasping for the air what cahrcters are erve in here rightnow says dsomtihng evenough of the says you say somehow you can;'t diosmay between you and thre ttree behidn you and and yiuy knowi it's there acutalize in ym mind is a tree behind you fght me faggot it';s you whos doijgnt hat you cant'a snwe but I knwo from the bottom of ym ehart ythat you are fucked up and ntoa s fucked up as I am but the two still sound the same in the end I cant; beging tro ask you squch qestuion toi beguin a progresison ito the alle dn or as I call the e beginnign as I call it or you call ti something differnet mesage jksme somehow and ass this answer to a goid of this callbiart as I call ymselef this breakdown as many things to beigin and aend itself on a single note besdie your bed whuich has been poisesed n by me y myself at hand of coruse the tower is no longer real adn thre world is already gone and whatever jerg bullshit yku thiniuk you can create is true already youa retthe cilbioearty at hand the creator or wah5tever decieison ykou can;t mnake it can make is hapepnign at once the vesion of souls all arlund th is the secert key to uindersantd the slef in the many ransk beyond space and tim ei s acountless words you are ebgging ato ask stystmez and rules it's all the same nor atleast the convretisal sperson sepaks the same or thing or different stimulation of the arisng failur4es ofr your quest ahve youj and the yoi and you and you it's a the quesiton to begged over and over it's what the towers repsrestiomn you doubtfull full aand fooling of crouse my dearu bastard that album si neat bu ttthat not at the hand it's rpearing words fest you can't begin to demise begin roq eustio i can't; concence of something bettter sorry for thaqt pause it's sucha unfun when thigns such as that happen we got dsitracted by the rela wlorld or as I call it the worlrd see how i talked bout the world asbeing sad well you cansee that as it as a product of awrness or state of regressional climb asd I ;m the sjhoityty book telling about the centrsit positopn caus emy time ios more less kmprqatoopm then yopur sapce at the end olf all fo this yu question your sanity fo course that is anatural were not that thene dn you night bejigns in a whis,ering tone come ehrer child beigns atel o wonderu boy swho can't ask a gquesiton to his mom a d certian thins he enjoys of the upmost calibar and if this you ro me gl aheda it's the priojection stale of the scale of story telling where we cvan't dekicied of the matter at hadne veryhthing ios a minute detail toth e cosmic scale of gaxlaly context to the small tyhepsni that you have or don';t at all; ti's a boyt in his room askh imh a quqestion fo his anme(you) gladly you canr respond to thsoe thing I gave you answer and differny you create a new story I can;t focal point anymorem it's quite marival it's jushc a joyos accuseI am gleaming with glee and joy atith smost epic accustion of ym rights as a person and your sadness as a p[erosn bullyuing those who are you its the youest thing you can o to luch and feeling ehart and soul heart and soul what a epic tale of gaemrisn the boy askeda question tot hew all noa nswer it begins a new gnawing sand rturing at his room which is the size of ylur room knfact or the world at hand imn themptyniess of space it lingers and the sounds it erpdoecees is quite marlvelpis So you don't go! So you dnt' leave behind this endless mess i can create at the hands of the creator is a question is a meta thing or begin or a new the creation sounds are nice to hear at noun with each beginnign you end a new one and so fourth it's such a travesty that you must go to the end of that is all creator or just in this land back to this again and again creator is a apreantly copy of something thing's thing thingy ryhmes like dimes each line separintg without and with you of course the audiecn of endless endless is quite amazing it's such a specatcle to watch is the forgetting part enough of thisa tale so end this on a note like this how saddening create your own and fall I guess does it matter is what the bitchass would say glad you came > : ) ~RIOT!~ a short ending