the shits

back back??.

~Memories and commodity~ The art of shitting a person into a congealed skeleton of enodoremothic entropy beyodn a symoblise or sign. Temporal congelament is a sacred temptation to a beast nonethler long ago before a symbolsies a object directing us afor a conviced picture of a very notion of a modernism movemeent past oursevles staring into a mirror of a past future fate. In such declarement in such words is a testement to a ourshadows selves a negative taste of prepection glaring and obvious changes requring ever minute a evver chaning declare minute of time a enviromentalist issue at hand of muiltiple decision per second per hour. The Whole of the shadow condesne is the as the opposite the beholder the behindment the sign of the other. The desicion is a finale for a point in time in relation to others space in catagorized objects in relation to others. Noir a staack can be described as mere stack but a relation to these prior shadows beholdiment stick together with a really shitty glue, Temperance,obstufcation,fantasy. Of course the list is itch a different response. Pointation of things as a direction relation to a obsucation of nothing where the holdments as a landscape temporalizes into mere a delerioum but a brick of a point blinding of light directing and dictacting our shadows as a art its as well art but its a mere freedom but from are art from a as a t single critic and such fourth comes a shadow of itself spiral towers and redness for fourth the singl temperance of a moment of space in relation to the dancing irony. Points in time dicacting by a future present and past nile themselves to a persons in a room nier a thing being or person. Walls creeps of walls and eyes of eyes, nier can i stare into the wall of a person its and of for beneath and a of course its very eyes. The thought of a single ideal entity titled before a shadow construct for now a awhile coined a term "narrative" the act of transfering a object from a shadow. All things have a shadow nier a opposite but a intergal as oppsoite and positive relate to a single point of its boiling its neither freedom but instead of a recursive object of an art. Descriptions of null as a infinity to itself a mastering walls of eyes stares into a itself at a point of relation of perception so fourth the mastermindness of "this rock can mean anything" "Nothing is certain" Now ofcourse is a all things are a customible to a world view and a view of itself is mere a choice a purchase to say from a currency from the commodity given us from the hauntogiical hell vision future of a esclipsical time variable. It's mere looping of a beneath of a post strtuctual modernism, The hiding of a animals that wasnt even they hiding in the brawl day light of the shadows sun of itself. Indeed, the presupoopses a global obecjt a ultimate caster of its vengance its obecjtive is uncertain at best of course it be your mother, or a mere vance tof my endearing phyoscic the endless niss is a infact its only true valuabe conjestiable into a fairing card games of whihc a person nier loses but goes inside and expereicnce whats its like to die while living. Enjoying the sun of itself of the worl,d basking in the light so fourthcase is a mere projection and not the plight version a word and such things caused by a wheel a purtain push of hand feet and smell touching eachother its a mere singuarlity that sings of itself as a jealous figure "does this and that yourself" its so clear aint your a symbolises of a depressing figure to iself" Self plight acost to a fix shadow beneath a moviing freedom tidal of wave of course to a sighting duck picturing itself imaging doeinth such things. The field itself is beyond the idea of itself as a picture frame words and relation to images arent a medium but a mere kiss on the cheek words neither images can attain all point is a facist molding into a shape existence is a decrement to a noir of unobecjtive living. Ending oneself on a princicples is not the end but the beginning of a mere now shadow the costs the world a price. Shadow lies in all things its relation to the light is s that its none and beyond for its description. Beyondin a context of nothingess viewing a rock as a mere thing, not a thing but its our thing, A obsucation of a shape, To a shape, to a single point of a single diemension, The death of others things, The life of itself, The morality of the thing, And the giving up of such trailments, The objectivity toitself is a agreement to a finality and zenith. We'll end up in dementia per old age and our sins waiting as a pack of non diasgree,ment things per a nice dinner out. care and such to this rock is a mere giving jup on the part. exploring the stack itself is not art but a freedom of nothing but the ultimate freedom si neither the sun that casts the shadows that wecallitselfs light upon the true light that feeds into. objects shapes arent Deaths and lifs between sufraces of everhchaning equations but a giving up opoint. Reality is the way we all giveup and quit for a single better option. Shitting and fucking. Realistic all actions are aoittaible to and 1 and 2 system of bipolar decermnt of those extremses are called things and more things. So attain the pushign foward act is the not a mere hosing of how im going to fail its a direction toa relation to the comodity future of the current present the failures of a system noir of choice but of shadows priased and dictacted by the peoples of nothingness. Telations to yourself Peopls ofcourse is giving up everysecond the countable minute is a sign signer by a person of reasonable fortold by the recent shadows of the dogma of a the present configuration. 1.The Garden Of Eden To cycl throuhg the stack of level one anaylsis dictacted by the capital at hand adnt he commitudy thorugh which ruptures is at conjecture to the interogal of a action or a choice or even the basis of a mere cycle existing ontop of itself. The field which the sun or the sun god beats its signed shadows and waves is a mere tool along the axis of infinity and the grasp for a the totallity for nothginess mere the field of shadows acts as a pathward of a circle*1 Repeat and reach around of mathetmics sources as a reason for a being and acts as a catharsis for a present much duality of imagination and the diction of cooperations of giving up as a total whole For a reference two a single point. The sun casts a reap around shadow laying its waste not from a point of the intangible but from a atlast the abscene of even the notion of being. Trying and betolds its very quality reaks of a emptyness so fourth brought our quests layed benounced to those who beneath and such declose of a door on the pathway we have a shortcut through the shadows of nothingness the void will happenstance be golding and our diamond shoes will shine harder out temptation is a benefit its a glaring obvious this is at a verystance the happiness that our ancestor much temptes with us and our chanes are our a at a secnd per minute interval the sun beats as ahard it a temptation the garden of eden lay waste to the cycle of a temperance. Garden of eden ast a not a mere mediator but as a reoocuring abscene of the act of choice not the obsufcation fo choice as a shadow of a mere choice itself bouncing in the hallows of of a soul as such collilateral damage accousted with such. Stands as the point of a empty defeat the battlefield thats already been lost not such savages declaring we are the savages will turn the general into a god or our causes are universal we stand for the lost of a menaing hail tot he shadows of all thing csated by our doubts into a stance. Even more so its a cause of such things benounced a stating point a generation thing its a home our a greatest hollow shell and gates gouard even nothingness from entering to mistake wi the uncounciouess is the first doubt of even a single reationality toes a guarding door. It mistatkes is it singigner of a reoccurnce of a pattern benounced by a singingier of infinity not of a figh in a whatseemless fininite water beyond desciprion is a recoourecen being at the ocean as a viewing as a planet of water is a neither nor a natural or unnatural occurecen butr a catharsis experience as a dictacted by neither a sun fleeting shape that is a determiniter of what is a phallus to eachother. On, the leftside GoE States a devailed state a deal prepared by anything besies a occurnce thats rationale is that of a shadow to itself. That itself is the creation of a stack behalf itself to a doubt for its rationality we'll ever get itself beyond a well of doubts and its pits for occurence and time and seconds. Abscene in a temporal context revolves around the dissulation of even occurence to behind tis second degree to even the further our sultions of a generators of a shadows to obsufcation, but a mere retirival of a savagist admitation towards a shadow shifting animal instnict is a trival excuse of a indamnantion of a cause for its rights and passages. All sources of anything stances itself on the totalness the sun acuqires not through worship, but the admitiation of the giving up on life as a excuse of living and through the it fleets its shadows as mere intangible details to be layed upon the GoE as a setting point for a shadow cumplex. 2.ouid9d8s908*S889h8998s8989SFh;fh[ s[f00h-00)__)_)_)s0-)_S S_0 0-0--0-0 -99 009009h90h9090h90h90h90h90h09 90 S()) =909=9=g9= s9-0- 9-9-9 9 (s-9 -9 -99-s-9(__9-9- _(_ (_(_ (_ (_ (_ ( _(90090ss90s90 s0s s s 90)(()(V)(V)()(X)(X)()X()X()(V()XV(XV()(X)VXV()VX(V()XV(X)VX())VX ()VX)(V09v 90v9v(()(X()X(X)()X()()XX()()()XX())(X(XXGZ GZB()()()(B)B()B()B()(B(B(B(B(B(B(B(((9999999999999999999999999999999999999 b87zb8b88bb080bb0b0b0b0b87z7880)Z)**)*)*)*)Z*)Z*)Z**Z )*Z)Z*) Z* Z**Z*) Z*) *X) X*)*)X*)X *)X *X *)X*X X*X*X*X*)X*X*)X* )X*)X *X*X*)*Z*Z* Z*Z* Z Z*Z)*)Z**)Z*Z)*)Z*) Z* )*Z) * Z *)Z*)Z*ZY* Z*YY* Y* Y* Y *Y* Y* Y*Y* Y * Y*)Y *) Y*)Y *) Y*) Y*) Y*)Y *Y *Y *Y*}}} ] ] }X ]X } X}X }X } X}X } vpvpvpvpvpvppvpvpvpvpvp p[xp[P{XP{XP{PX{{PX{PP{XP{XXX+_X_+X+_====================================== ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[3 Fairing the wholwworld as a challenge occrucne beside a orccurnce of a GoE All things a narratice and a choice of nothingness we are a giving up th emost of temrinus and deilrioum to issue a product of commotiy to oursevles we never the supermarket at hand the kafka esque nightmare(that i dont know what is Lol) Is neithe ra temptaiton of a endevaor of capital as a mere abstraction or a obsucation of a shadow that tempts not the depression or anxiety of a phantom past the inacts as a payed a entity more atleast its a transaction thats as a occurnce at a time per place and invidival that nightitme per minute a act of transveral or a agreetoment to keep secrets or the shadows and itself will get though but its always and will be a secret stance on the cycle of despiar benounced itself a of congraulation itself past itself and future selfself? It acts as a glue to behold the shadows itself is the goale ternity fake ideals but the whole of the picute is the giving up the existnce of sunm and the quesiton behind is it scifinity or is the god we'll belivei in one and that whole tiself and the obuscation of that to everything as a seeminglinss indescriable base of a single point as a mere shadow in GoE, but the GoE cant have shadows its a lgiht filled place of nothingg not the destation but the anti desntination the rose holders place til the swords of something will do the something and then something happens our time is a behold tiself as a time or place but its collreation is a colliteral damage of belief as a reoccurnce of a not a unity but a signle choice of the belief dispence through us of the not the intangible sun or the standup mere its the product line of reality that capital entails Throught he beliefe that sun holds the capiltai to behold to grasp tro conquere in a visionic media the shadowes ntails on the graspness of nothingness entails the future of a escapble nothingness across mere nothingess the birthitself is a mere cause of a closed loop of aimaginablt escapes to the grand future of the capitlist singuliart where nto a fucking 1987 bullshit but a nothinges will reach it hand and congrautlison us at aread reachin the true point as mere pointless media such at preivous book will ential but the future possibles hiidens from us. We will no longer even at ourtimes still tells out at all p;ossibles live anymore we'll all be castes aside as a either a snothingges or a choice the sun believerof course the choice is sdelf is made the sun isnt a a cycle itself a congraultion cyle living itself is a quietsiton each question is a mere paradox the quite paradox lviing in the corner its parents doenst love it it doesnt know why whatt's love it asak, Fuck I'm a woman now. And so fourth. Sources outside the hauntligioca future of endless fetisihment of feelments of simulcara entiles the ever exess of tis origin the origin of such entitles as this oru orrucen of a muitliples suns that arent real in such even thearpys or a doctor visit its a nationale problem is a paradox but it doesnt love its parents are fuckign dead shot because they are right and such they wrong they didnt believe to give up so tyhey are fuckign dead. Ever cerating the essenc of a life worth lviing itself is a right a neither givingup nor a centrist would get shot drinkign tea otu his assholee better be not? The simulation foa neire occurnce is a nothing but a sun osclaiting per ratio of chance of occurnce personales at a excell at giving up look at pardox's parents they tried not belviing at gicikup and now they are alive congrautlstion them for its endless endvaro now we look back at the tale at its frequirence it entails a narrative so our GRAND schaolosr of which we talked about as the thing and other things glad you ntoiced in 1968 I took a shit in whicht hats a meanign fo graspable depth, Noir this whole but a nihilist wettest dream possilble feel the quaking and its shit. his sun ofcourse is a emre entitiy its the same aswell oursevles to be calle3ding our GoE anything speical cause tiself special of a graspable currency top be exhancged but ntoas a totallity to withitself to view as a object that can move along space and time. The capilist views time and space as a currecy view all as a obsufcation the anti desire to quit and destroy the aniamslist past shadows that haunts even ntohinges at this point the droning on all about books as the selective inifnity of circles quinchine my self as aking a shadow person is this some nihlist bullshit? -Well yes it is \fuck were' dointh alright -course narratives actions as other states your giving up at a constant rate of inclination towards not a path of GoE as the unattable of singier but a rapent rate of a decleartion and accrelation views and a perectopion meanignless not yer where a solar flare of that sun cause and will Devastaet the nthingess that shadoes its entails the god is now a thing I have it Oh baby I can use this My fuckign opposable thumgs, And its not about the fucking bugs. Who gives a shit. End of part 1